After what seemed like an eternity, we are finally allowed to re-open our Studio gates once more.
We are so excited to be back doing what we do best and love the most......
Working with Clients dogs and creating Artwork which will be treasured for a lifetime.
Alasdair has been working so hard during lockdown by building new sets and scenes for the Outdoor part of the 7 acre Studio grounds.
"It's Good to be back"
We are very fortunate to be fully booked with Photo Shoot Experiences, Studio Tours and Puppy Photo Packages for May and we have some available dates in June but not many.

I can't wait to get all muddy by lying on the ground outside when designing shots and capturing the dogs having so much fun.
Being a creative, I am at my best either working my Cameras or sitting editing and creating my Art.
The bonus is being in the Company of fabulous dogs of all shapes, sizes and breeds.
Never knowing if the 'storyboard' I created will actually stay the course or be ripped up due to the dogs thinking of something more creative and far better
than any of my ideas.
But that is what happens when you work with dogs......they certainly keep me on my toes.
I honestly DO have the best job in the World!!